I can't believe we're here already. March 30th, the eve of a very fresh start for Cadence. We start insulin pump therapy with Cadence as of tomorrow morning. From here till....well....who knows, Cadence will have the pink Animas 2020 saving her life everyday. The pump will be attached to her 24/7 delivery micro amounts of insulin. We can push buttons to deliver higher amounts for food or highs, suspend delivery if she's low or sick. It's very exciting to have the potential for incredible control of her diabetes. For the last 7 months, we give her a bunch of insulin and hope that she takes in enough carbs to cover the insulin and also that we've given her enough insulin to cover the breast feeds...let alone trying to figure out how many carbs are in the milk and how much she takes in. Our A1C is really just an average of the highs and lows.
I have 3 syringes left to give her, and then there's no more needles. That point is just so valuable to me, I can't even describe it. I came home the other night from work and she was happy to see me but ran away because she knew it was time for a needle. I can't even tell you how hard that is for me as a dad. Nic and I are so happy to be free of having to stick Cadence with 8 needles a day...for now. I remember the first one I gave her last year and I almost broke down doing it, it's easier to do now, I'm better at it. The hardest part is that she cries a bit, holds the injection site, and gives me the ultimate hairy eyeball. So I say (to a baby) "sorry Buttons." I'm sure she's saying "whatever dad, I'll get you when I'm 14."
The stomach bruises suck.
A quick calculation will show that Cadence has had diabetes for just over half of her life, she is now 17 months old. She has endured approximately 1856 needles and nearly 4000 blood checks. The little girl is tough as nails and she amazes me.
So, today is kind of like Christmas eve the anticipation is palpable but everyone in our house has a sense of confidence and anticipation for this next chapter in her life.
Until tomorrow,