Friday, August 6, 2010

A Little Slice of Peace

One thing that most parents of a diabetic fear is the night. Most parents put their kids to bed, sink into the couch and enjoy the time of no-kidness for a few hours. If you're a parent of a toddler play the "what would a pancreas do?". Bedtime, blood check, DECISON = snack, basal, or bolus and what's going to be best while she's unconscious for the next 8 hours. Lots of decisions to make.

For the last 3.5 years, I have set my alarm clock 7 days a week for 2am. I get up, walk down the hall to Cadence's bed, slowly creep in, pull back the covers to find her feet, lance her toe, squint to see the blood drop in the dark (c'mon testing light!!), see the number and decide what to do - DECISION - bolus, basal temp, wake to juice. Then I go back to bed, close my eyes...debate my decision...stay up for another 45 minutes because now I'm awake, made some mental calculations, started the mental machinery...and I get up at 5:30am for week absolutely trashed. I carry my luggage under my eyes :-) . Have I snuck a full night's sleep in here and there? Maybe once or twice. Usually what happens is I wake up to my alarm, decide not to bother, then lay there for 45 minutes thinking about checking her...then finally get up to do so, stay awake for another 45 minutes...rinse and repeat. LOL it's a never ending cycle of self-fail.

So last night, Cadence, for the first time that I can remember climbed into our bed at 10:30pm and stayed there. Normally this is a habit your don't want your kid to get into but strangely, this morning I'm kind of happy that it did. I still checked her at 2am but she was all curled up right beside me (makes me smile to think about it). The best part was that she was right there, I could hear her, know she's all good and I fell right back to sleep. At 5:30am this morning I had this funny feeling....oh yeah it was rest including piece of mind.


Hailey has herself all around diabetes as well, she's been watching and learning for her 14 months of existence. Without the ability to say hi, she now knows the steps to checking blood sugar and gets mad when she's cant do her own everytime Cadence reluctantly has her blood tested - Oh the irony!
