Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I've been asked to give the keynote address at the Alberta Diabetes Foundation Rations for Riches event tomorrow at the Calgary tower. 10 minutes to share what diabetes is to our family. I'm going to do a blog post in the next couple days to describe the room....I'm kind of nervous, but it's an excited's an opportunity to change perspectives.

I had to dig up some stats tonight for the keynote and even I was amazed by what I found.

- 300,000 kids with Type 1 diabetes in Canada.
- 3-5% increase in diagnosis rate per year (that's how you spell epidemic)
- 17 BILLION dollars per year towards diabetes complications yet the Alberta government doesn't cover a single dime of preventative measures. Seriously.
- in the 10 minutes it takes me to speak tomorrow morning in front of all those hungry people, 120 kids worldwide will develop diabetes...and most of them will die from it.

It has to be stopped. Get behind JDRF, ADF, CDA, educate, learn, be part of the solution.

till tomorrow!
