A couple problems with this system already is that it still is only capable of communicating with the OneTouch Ultra meter which IMHO is a POS. Further it needs to communica
te through a cable. Why this was deemed to be a good idea vs. manual calibration with whatever meter you like to use is beyond good reason and stinks of corporate collusion between Onetouch and Dexcom.
Dexcom has plans to change this but it hasn't happened as yet. Also, the Dexcom CGMS system was designed only to use the US mg/dl scale and cannot be programmed for
mmol/L, again the rep has said this is to be updated soon. I greatly appreciate the 7 day wear and smaller needle insertion size (26 gauge Dexcom vs. 23 gauge Minimed) and the insertion of the Dexcom was definitely easier with Cadence. When we did the Minilink sensor Cadence cried hard and grabbed at the area for a few hours afterward, anytime we tried to inspect the area she was quite upset by our efforts. The Dexcom in
sertion however was absolutely easy, no tears, completely unbothered by it, and in fact immediately after sat in her highchair and had dinner, sitting on the sensor. Pretty amazing difference and definitely a +1 for Dexcom.
The insertion device is good, I would say a bit better than the Senserter (Minimed's) but the sensor latch/tab...the little doo-hickey to snap the transmitter in place is goofy in the way it must be broken off. Cadence, didn't like that part to be sure. Both units, Minimed and Dexcom, could be greatly improved...easily.
We are in the middle of the 2 hour calibration period and will report more tomorrow once we see readings.
so far so good!
P.S. - I find the google ad beside this post about how to reverse your diabetes oh so comical...if only :)
1 comment:
FYI. I heard that Dexcom was not allowed by the FDA to do a manual calibration when the device was first approved. This sounds believable because who would want to have to supply an extra bg meter and cable with every system. That would just add to their costs.
The story I heard about the OneTouch (can't remember who told me) is that this meter was chosen because it was the only one they could find a communication spec for. The other meter makers wouldn't provide theirs. This would agree with the problems that various people I know have had with trying to connect to other meters.
When will meter makers realize they should all have the same software and hardware interface?
Overall I like the Dexcom. Have they told you about the bad readings you get if the wearer has taken any acetaminophen? Watch out for those.
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