Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ping me.

We quietly passed over Cadence's 2-year anniversary of diagnosis, July 19th. Funny how life-changing that day was. Now with a 2.5 year old and a 13 week old baby, we just let the day go by without any of us realizing it. A sign of moving on?

Speaking of moving on! We're pretty stoked at Casa de Kane. Cadence is going to be getting a new pump this year!

Cadence started pumping on March 31, 2008 and her life forever changed for the better. We, almost instantaneously gained better control, ensured a better life for her, and as a parent felt empowered to effect her diabetes in a meaningful way. I still can't emphasize the importance of this technology for a parent of a diabetic child.

We went through so much research when deciding what pump to get Cadence. Fortunately we chose Animas for Cadence and we still couldn't be happier with the decision. They have finally released a new product called the Animas Ping. What we now can do is deliver boluses of insulin, tweak basals, etc without having to fish her pump out of her clothing. As she runs around at a mile a minute, chasing her with the tubing hanging out just isn't working anymore. We're excited to have wireless control.

Had we gone the Medtronic route...we'd still be over-promised and under-delivered.


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